
Alia Bhatt

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Categoria: Siti Giornali
Titolo Sito: Alia Bhatt
Indirizzo URL Sito: http://celebzing.com/alia-bhatt/
Descrizione Sito: Alia Bhatt is a British film actress and singer who works in Bollywood. Born into the Bhatt family, she is the daughter of filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt and actress Soni Razdan. Bron on march 15, 1993 in Mumbai, India. After making her acting debut as a child artist in the 1999 thriller Sangharsh,
Detagli / Informazioni Azienda: Alia Bhatt is a British film actress and singer who works in Bollywood. Born into the Bhatt family, she is the daughter of filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt and actress Soni Razdan. Bron on march 15, 1993 in Mumbai, India. After making her acting debut as a child artist in the 1999 thriller Sangharsh, Bhatt played her first leading role in karan Johar’s romantic drama Students of the Year(2012) which earned her a nomination for the Filmfare Awards fo the best Female Deubt.
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Link aggiunto: Feb 23, 2017

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