
Cabiria Art Gallery

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Categoria: Musei e Gallerie
Titolo Sito: Cabiria Art Gallery
Indirizzo URL Sito: http://www.cabiriagallery.com
Descrizione Sito: Cabiria is born from the desire to combine fragments of beauty. Art as a collage, a meeting place of a multiplicity of forms of expression, united by a vision of space that is perfect and unstable, fascinating and changeable.
Detagli / Informazioni Azienda: Cabiria is born from the desire to combine fragments of beauty. Art as a collage, a meeting place of a multiplicity of forms of expression, united by a vision of space that is perfect and unstable, fascinating and changeable. Cabiria is a young and international reality, which represents different artists characterized by the same dreamlike and visionary force: ancestral impulse that declines in the decomposition of matter, mutation of architectural reality, abstract interpretation of time, alteration of color.
Parole Chiave: artgallery \r\ncontemporaryart \r\nart \r\nartwork \r\nartdealer \r\nartconsultant \r\ncollage \r\nmosaic \r\nphotography \r\nphotographer \r\nphoto \r\npictures \r\ninstallation \r\nexhibition \r\nexhibitionart \r\nartexhibition \r\ncollageart \r\ncollagephoto \r\nrivus altus \r\nrivusaltus \r\nmaxfarina \r\nfarina \r\nrialto \r\npontedirialto \r\nrialtobridge \r\ncanal grande \r\nlandscape \r\nitaly \r\ngondola \r\nvenezia \r\nvenice \r\nvenise \r\nvenedig \r\nnewyork \r\nparis \r\nmilan \r\nbrooklyn \r\ntimesquare \r\nlos angeles
Link aggiunto: May 22, 2019

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